
Fit Girl Fall Health and Fitness group

Falling back to the basics

By Carrie Hotte August 26, 2021

Welcome to September and I got my Fit Girl Fall Health and Fitness group coming your way!  We are taking it back to basics this month: fitness, nutrition, and taking time to get FIT, inside and out! You are invited to be a part of an online community where daily physical activity, whole, clean eating, and supportive, positive energy is the GOAL!

Let’s see what we’re doing each day!

💪 Mondays are for building our Fit Girl/Fit Fall Mindset! Gratitude journaling, setting an intentional schedule, taking time to learn + grow each day, all those mindfulness things we need!

💪 Tuesdays are for coming TOGETHER, as a community and lifting each other up with connection prompts + and team challenges!

💪 Wednesdays are for Wellness and sharing our best wellness tips for the fall season!

💪 On Thursdays, we are going Back to School for Top Marks! Look for fun quizzes and challenges to get your highest score!

💪 Fridays are for Fall Food Favorites! Our healthiest fall recipes, including tons of options that follow our nutrition plans!

💪 On Saturdays, we will step it up! Sitting is the new smoking, so we are going to challenge each other to get our steps in!

💪 Finally, Sundays will be for self-care, slowing down as we reflect on the past week and plan for a new one!

How are you feeling about your fitness right now? Could a 30 Day Fit Girl Fall Challenge be exactly what you need? I have the info ready to share + a spot just waiting for you!

Fill out the form HERE to get all the details on joining us this September!